Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RANTS!Picture of a judge's wig

Date: 29/01/20

Cymdogaeth Fawr?

England flag indicating that there's an English translation of this piece

Helo? Cwop?

Ie, gwrandewch rŵan, dwi newydd gael un o'ch taflenni trwy'r drws.

Mae'n dda, wchi, uffar o sglein arni.

Sgan o daflen o'r Co-op

Dim ond un peth. Wel, ocê, dau:

Am un peth, ers pryd bu 'Caerfyrddin' yn golygu 'neighbour'? Dwi wedi pori ar y Geiriadur Mawr 'sgin i, ond heb ffeindio'r gair.

Am yr ail beth, pam ydach chi'n cyfarch pobl tre' Myrddin i ddeud wrthyn nhw am siop newydd sbon danlli fydd yn agor yng Nghoedpoeth ddiwedd yr wythnos orfoleddus Frecsitaidd hon? Ga' i gynnig map i chi?

Map o Gymru yn dangos lleioliad Caerfyrddin a Choedpoeth

A ga' i ofyn un cwestiwn bach arall?

Oes 'na unrhywun gynnoch chi sy' â'r clem lleia' am Gymru a'r Gymraeg? Neu ai'r sarhad ffiaidd 'ma ydi'r gora' allwn ni ddisgwyl gynnoch chi, a bod yn ddiolchgar eich bod chi wedi dewis y wlad iawn?


A Big Neighbourhood?

Hello? Co-op?

Listen now, I've just had one of your leaflets through the door.

It's a good one, y'know, a hell of a gloss on it.

Scan of a Co-op leaflet

Just one thing. Well, alright, two:

For one thing, since when has 'Caerfyrddin' meant 'neighbour'? I've been all through the Geiriadur Mawr without finding it.

And secondly, why are you greeting the people of Merlin's town to tell them about a brand-new shop opening in Coedpoeth later this rejoiceful, Brexiting week? May I offer you a map?

Map of Wales showing the locations of Carmarthen anf Choedpoeth

And can I ask one more little question?

Do you have anyone there who has the slightest clue about Cymru and Y Gymraeg? Or is this insulting abomination the best we can expect from you, and to be grateful that you got the right country?